Sunday, June 15, 2008


Most of the villagers are farmers. Besides agriculture, they rear cattle.
There is a class of Dhangars who keep large flocks of sheep. There are
Hindus engaged in carpentry, making furniture which they sell for the Reis
magos feast. And Milarges feast in Mapusa. There are blacksmiths who make
different implements which are sold in Mapusa every Friday. They are expert
in the roofing of tiles houses. Pirna is a small village with exquisite
vegetation. It's hillocks are covered with a variety of different kinds of
hills. Lime, matti, kindal, nanao, kumto, hed, sailo, sisso all timber trees
which the carpenters use. Along the streams where the soil is fertile,
evergreen forests are found. The mining activities has had serious
ecological disturbances. For every ton of ore extracted, two and half ton
is generated as waste which is dumped in any available space.

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