Sunday, June 15, 2008


the village of Nerul in south Bardez is known for its groundnuts, sweet
potatoes, watermelons and salt. It's sandy soil gives good yield of
vegetable products. The land was reclaimed from the bed of the river and
therefore the alluvial soil is fertile.

Those who live near the shore are mainly occupied in fishing, others in
agriculture, salt extraction, toddy tapping and menial work. Once there were
industries like boat building, salt extraction, etc. Nerul contributed
substantially to the export of salt of around 30- 50 thousand tonnes that
Goa exported in those days. Entering the village from Verem, one encounters
pretty cottages on both sides of the road. Just before reaching the church,
visitors encounter some imposing mansions having Portuguese influence on
architecture and their interior resemble European designs. The villagers
make their living by selling fish, rearing cattle, extracting salt, renting
fruit bearing trees and selling fruits.

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